Press and Media Kit

App briefing and resources for reporters and journalists covering Decibel Meter Ultra, including downloadable app icons and app screenshots.

App Overview

Decibel Meter Ultra is a powerful all-in-one sound level meter, dosimeter and real-time analyzer that enables people to measure, record and track the sound levels in their environment.

Ultrafine Founder, Tristan Celder, comments: “With the cost of professional decibel meters typically running into the thousands of dollars and often requiring a trained technician to operate, high quality environmental noise data has been inaccessible to most people.

“With Decibel Meter Ultra we think we’ve created a sound level meter that is not only powerful – rivalling high-end sound level meters in its feature set – but affordable, too.

“Whether it’s for documenting nuisance noise, monitoring workplace sound levels, or fine-tuning audio equipment, our aim is to make it possible for anyone with an iPhone to gather actionable acoustic data with ease.”


From monitoring sound levels at home or in the workplace to fine-tuning audio equipment, Decibel Meter Ultra makes it exceptionally easy to obtain high resolution acoustic data for a wide range of acoustic applications.

Sound Level Meter

With its advanced audio pipeline, Decibel Meter Ultra delivers precise sound level readings configurable for various needs. Both instantaneous peak measurements and time-weighted readings, either slow or fast, can be collected simultaneously, with each being independently configurable using industry-standard A, C, or Z frequency weighting curves.

Noise Dosimeter

Decibel Meter Ultra makes it possible to benchmark noise levels against international recommendations using the built-in dosimeter. Profiles matching specifications from NIOSH and OSHA are built-in, while custom measurement profiles allow for bespoke configuration to meet specific industry requirements.

Frequency Analyzer

Powerful fractional octave band analysis provides audiophiles and noise assesors with full-spectrum acoustic insights. With up to twelfth octave-band resolution, variable time weightings and peak level indicators, Decibel Meter Ultra facilitates precise audio adjustments and in-depth noise assessments.

Acoustic Analysis Reports

Sharing observed findings is made simple through comprehensive acoustic analysis reports. Users can visualize sound levels over time, determine accumulated and projected noise exposure levels, and compile the necessary documentation for making persuasive petitions.

External Microphone Support

In addition to the iPhone’s built-in microphone, Decibel Meter Ultra supports the connection and calibration of an external microphone via Lightning or USB-C for even greater accuracy and dynamic range.


Free plans include a built-in metering profile and up to two-minute analysis sessions. PRO plans include Decibel Meter Ultra’s full suite of professional metering options: custom meter profiles, analysis charts, PDF reports, background recording, unlimited recording durations and more.


Decibel Meter Ultra is a available exclusively on iOS and can be downloaded for free via the App Store.

App Store Link:

App Icons

SVG and PNG format app icons. Includes variants for dark or light backgrounds and with or without the app name.

App Screenshots

Screenshots of the Decibel Meter Ultra application in PNG format. Images are provided both with and without device bezels.

Further Information

For further information please contact